Plush toys are great with their softness and unique looks. You can play with them, cuddle, hug and even sleep beside them for years. However, the exterior of the stuffed plush toys is made of soft and furry fabric that tends to accumulate debris and soon begins to look dirty.
Thus, you must know how to clean a plush toy to regain its perfect look. Sadly, most people consider cleaning plush toys a tough job far from reality.
You can either hand wash or machine wash the plush toys. You will need to choose the right detergent for cleaning the plush toys as not all detergents will be safe for the soft fabric of the toy. Also, for cleaning it in the washing machine, you must choose the right cleaning cycle and use the proper drying method.
Hence, we have prepared this guideline on cleaning the plush toys to help you use your favorite toy for years.
How to Wash Plush Toys
Plush toys have become a part of our family and home. So, when it becomes dirty, we should always clean it to help it look stunning and adorable. You should read the product label of the stuffed plush toys. It will help you whether or not the toy is machine washable. If it is machine washable, you can proceed to our steps below.
Vacuum wash the plush toy:
First, you should clean the plush toy with a vacuum cleaner. The vacuum cleaner will remove dust and residues from the plush toy. It will make the washing machine cleaning process easier and faster. Also, it reduces the amount of detergent you need to use to clean the plush toys.
So, carefully vacuum clean the plush toy two to three times. It will remove maximum debris.
Prepare the plush toy for proper cleaning:
Every object has an appropriate cleaning process which you must follow. It is true for the plush toys so that you don’t ruin them while machine cleaning the toy. The preparation includes putting the plush toy inside a washing machine safe polybag.
You can choose the following options to put the plush toy inside for cleaning.
- Mesh laundry bag
- Zippered pillowcase
- Tied-up pillowcase
After putting the plush toy inside the bag, you need to put the plush toy inside the washing machine. You will, however, need to choose the right cleaning cycle and detergent for the machine.
Choosing the right detergent and cleaning cycle:
You must understand that not all cleaning detergents are made for plush toys. If you use too harsh cleaning liquids, it will ruin the softness of the plush toy fur. So, we have gone through the detergent brands and found the following two products ideal for plush toys.
- Woolite Damage Defense Laundry Detergent: The detergent is ideal for plush toys because it works effectively with cotton, wool, etc. Also, it protects the color of the fabric greatly.
- Tide Plus 3700087562 Febreze Freshness Detergent: Tide is one of the market-leading liquid detergent manufacturers. Its Febreze detergent comes with a fresh appeal and pleasant fragrance that will make your stuffed toys even more adorable.
When you have selected the right detergent, you must choose the cleaning cycle. We suggest you set the washing machine on a gentle cycle for the best results.
Start cleaning the plush toys:
After choosing the detergent, you must pour it into the washing machine. You will need 1/3rd cup of the detergent for the top-loading washing machines. You need to spray the detergent directly on the plush toys for the HE washing machines.
Then, put the plush toy in the machine and gently set the cleaning cycle. Now, you will need to wait for the washing cycle to complete.
Dry and groom the plush toy fabric:
The fabric of the plush toy is often highly sensitive and delicate. So, you need to groom it like your pet kitten or dog to help it look amazing. Firstly, air dries the plush toys. You shouldn’t dry the plush toy in the washing machine.
After cleaning the toy, remove it from the pillow bag and let it dry in the open air. For the furry plush toys, you must groom them. You will have to fluff the furry fabric of the toy using a soft-bristled brush. As you brush the furs of the plush toys, do it gently to ensure not ruing the fabric. Now, your furry plush toy is all set for hugging and cuddling.
You don’t need to be Houdini to clean a plush toy. The key is to keep the plush toy in a washing machine safe bag and use the right detergent to safeguard the plush toy from damage. If the plush toy isn’t machine washable, you can easily wash it in a large bowl with lukewarm water. After cleaning the toy, groom its fabric for the best appearance. Also, you may choose scented detergents to give the plush toy a nice smell.
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