Tile floors are some of the most common flooring options for many homeowners. Compared to hardwood, laminate or vinyl flooring, tile floors are by far the easiest to maintain in that you never have to worry about water damage with them.
They are also easy to clean and not to mention cam be installed in any room in the house from the living room, upstairs bedrooms, to kitchens, bathrooms and any other high moisture area.
Unlike hardwood flooring, tile floors are also cheap to buy and install. Additionally, tiles floors are highly durable and you can be assured of your flooring lasting you for years before needing any replacement.
However, while tile floors have all these good qualities and are easy to clean if you don’t know how to clean such floors, your house will always look dingy.
To make things easier and prevent the accumulation of dust and debris, you can invest in the best vacuum for tile floors and there are so many options on the market.

Tools for Cleaning Tile Floors
Tiles have always been the ideal alternatives for bathroom, kitchen and basement flooring but today homeowners are installing them in other areas like hallways, dining areas, and even bedrooms.
With so many colors and styles to choose from, tile flooring is the most dynamic type of flooring that you will ever come across.
When you are buying, you can choose from any pattern that you like which ranges from large format tiles to small mosaics.
Today it’s even possible to install tiles that look like hardwood flooring without spending too much or the stressful maintenance that comes with hardwood flooring.
The good thing about tile floors is that even if they are cheap to buy and come in a variety of styles, they don’t look cheap when installed.

And while they will not increase the value of your house when you are selling, they are highly durable. When it comes to cleaning tiles floors, the bone of contention has always been the grouts.
Dust and debris accumulate on the grout lines over time which makes them look stained while the rest of the floor looks clean. There are different tools that you can use to clean tile floors to make your work easier.
Tile Mop
Over time mops have changed due to advancements in technology to offer a quicker and easier way to remove dirt from your floors.
The main benefit of using a tile mop is that you can clean wet and dry messes with ease without having to bend or squat.
Flat surfaces tend to collect dust over time and when someone walks on the floor, then that dust is disturbed.

This prolonged exposure to the dust creates a breeding ground for bacteria which is bad news if you have small kids who like crawling on the floor.
Additionally, this dust can be irritating to those who suffer from asthma and other respiratory conditions.
Regular mopping is the best way to rid your house of any dust, dirt or sand that may be dragged from outside and there is no better tool to use than a tile mop.
Tile mops can either be disposable or washable with the former being used a few times before it is disposed of.
Tile mops can further be categorized into flat mops that have a flat head, string mops, strip mops, steam mops, twist mops, sponge mops, spray mops, dust mops, and robot mops. The one you get will depend on the type of flooring and whether you have interlocking tiles.
Vacuum for Tile Floors
While tile flooring is the easiest to maintain, tiles get dirty quickly and therefore need regular vacuuming.
A vacuum for tiles is designed to specifically clean tiles by removing dust and debris that may be embedded in the grout lines without damaging the floor.
If you have ever wet mopped tile floors, one certain thing is that wet dust will pile over which means that you need to find an option that will work perfectly for you.

A motorized brush, for instance, works wonders on carpet floors, but when used on tiles floors, it tends to scratch them which makes your floor look old and dingy.
A beater brush, on the other hand, scatters the bigger debris which makes it difficult for a vacuum cleaner to pick them up.
For this reason, most vacuum cleaners have a beater brush that you can switch off when you don’t need it which is one of the features that you need to consider when you’re buying a vacuum for tiles.
Additionally, you can opt for a vacuum that doesn’t have a beater brush but then this will mean getting another unit that you can use on the carpeted areas of your house.
If you have small kids or anyone who suffers from allergies, you need to get a vacuum that can do more than removing dust and debris.
In such a case, a vacuum that has a steaming or mopping option is ideal because then you can sanitize your floors after cleaning. With such a vacuum cleaner, you never have to worry about mopping the floor every time you are done vacuuming.
Steam Mop
With tile floors, the mere fact that you never have to worry about water damage makes then a popular choice among many homeowners.
For that reason, you can comfortably use a steam mop to clean your tile floors without worrying about any damage but that is not all.
When it comes to any tile flooring one of the things that you need to pay attention to is the grout lines.
Grout is usually porous and because of that dust, grease and debris are absorbed which makes the floors look dingy and unkempt.

Steam mops tend to be different from the traditional mop and bucket that most of us are used to in that such mops use steam to remove messes from tile and ceramic floors and at the same time sanitize them.
As such, a steam mop offers the best protection for your floors especially if you have small kids.
When you are using a steam mop, all you need to do is to plug it in and then proceed to mop your floors.
As the mop passes over the tiles, it removes dust, grease, and debris from the tiles and grout lines and also sanitizes the entire floor.
The best thing about steam mops is that they are effective even with the toughest of grime and stains.
However, you need to be careful when picking steam mops because not all of them clean your floors efficiently as some tend to leave streaks, smudges as well as gritty sludge.
How to Clean Tile Floors
While tiles floors are easy to clean and maintain, there are certain steps you need to follow when you are cleaning your floors.
Step 1 – Remove dust and debris
The first thing you need to do is remove any loose dust and debris that may have accumulated. To do this, use a vacuum clean or a broom to remove the surface dust.
Step 2 – Select the most ideal mop
Different tile floors are cleaned with different mops. When installing your floors, you need to know the best mop to use on them to avoid any damages that may result from using the wrong mop.
Once you have a mop, get a separate bucket for dirty water and ensure that you change this water in between cleaning.
Step 3 – Check for stains
Next, check to see whether there are areas on the floor that have stained and get the appropriate cleaner to remove such stains.
Step 4 – Watch out for soap residue
The last thing you want is streaks remaining on your floor after you have cleaned and soap has a way of doing that.
If there is any soap residue on the floor, use vinegar or a mild multi-purpose cleaner to remove the residue.
Step 5 – Dry the tiles
The biggest mistake that people make is leaving tiles to dry on their own after cleaning. Remember, you don’t want any streak marks on the floor after you are done and therefore use a clean fabric or dry mop to dry the floor.
When it comes to versatility and durability, tile floors win in that category. They are also easy to clean and maintain when you compare them to hardwood or laminate flooring. Additionally, tiles floors don’t experience any water damage or mold growth. However, your tiles can still look dingy, worn out and unkempt if you don’t know how to clean them. There are different tools that you can use to clean tile floors from vacuum cleaners designed for tile floors to tile mops and steam mops. Whichever method you choose should depend on how dirty the floors are and the type of tiles.
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