According to The Bureau of Labor Statistics…
A woman daily spends:
- 2 hours 15 minutes in household activities.
- 13 minutes use only for cleaning the kitchen.
- 70% time in food preparation & cleanup.
- Source
In A House…
Where we spend almost whole life using it as a shelter, sleeping and roaming the place, to stay safer than any other place.
In this case –
Cleaning your house and make it zero dust! is more important to…
- Your mind
- Heart
- Body
- In Every Aspect
Cleaning the house is a must to maintain the cleanliness of us keeping ourselves away from dirt and vermin.
A dirty house can be a birthplace of diseases.
We should know and follow the process of house cleaning. This process can be followed by some simple steps rather than thinking it as tiresome or trifling work.
Let’s see how we can keep our house clean in these steps.
House Cleaning Tips #Tricks #Guides #Advice #HouseCleaning #HouseClean #ZeroDust Share on XYou will see them in this whole article described in significant ways.
The Plan for (Zero Dust) House Cleaning
Before we start the cleaning process, we must plan how we are going to finish it properly.
Most of the time until we fail in the exam because we don’t have proper planning and preparation.
As like us –
We won’t be able to keep our house clean without a plan. Planning meaning is making a chart or schedule of the steps you are going to take. Let’s make the topic easier.
Suppose you are going to clean your room:
What thing should be cleaned first?
We think to clean the floors first, then furniture and later others.
If this is about cleaning the whole house, we become tensed what to clean first-
- Toilet
- Kitchen
- Dining
- Restroom
Many professional cleaners suggest having planned for each step.
You should make the plan of house cleaning according to our need and time.

First –
You need to schedule the time of cleaning when the process is going to happen. Then the quantity and quality of cleaning is also part of the plan.
It depends on –
How much you are motivated to spend your time on cleaning?
At leisure time can be helpful in this case. If you can clean the full house in a single period, then it can be properly done.
If you don’t have enough time to clean, then at least try to clean the dirtiest corners of the home. Part by part cleaning the floors or the kitchen or toilet can be a greater idea if you have a shorter time.
Even you can try to clean those areas which you missed last time to clean.
If you are “average busy person,” then clean the house every day in the little potion. It will reduce your pressure of cleaning.
But when you get enough time like once or twice a month, make the cleaning total for your house.
Cleaning Checklist
It comes to have a house cleaning checklist to clean the house well & painstakingly. A checklist contains the full proof plan of doing a job. Share on XThe checklist helps to make a job fun and interesting to do and increases enthusiasm.
In-house cleaning checklist:
there are some major things listed like attention and mind set-up
- Closets
- Cleaning Equipment
- Cleaning Areas, Etc
Here I am going to illustrate them to guide you.
Cleaning requires the kind of attention of yours so that the job can be done successfully.
You need to be attentive to everything while cleaning.
If you are in a hurry, then the cleaning process will be scattered.
The first thing set up your mind on timing. Play cool songs on the music player while cleaning. It can help you to keep your mind calm and content.
Do something that will keep your stress away. When you are about to clean the house, cover your closets to stay dirt-free.
Look for the vacuum if it’s working or not. Mop the floors and brush where it requires. For TV, fridge, computer monitor cleaning, try to use a cotton cloth.
Cleaning house daily, weekly or monthly is also the content of the checklist.
Cleaning Habits
Cleaning habits are more effective rather than cleaning the house once or twice a month.
It also helps –
The mind to stay joyous while staying at home.
Here is a short list of cleaning habits, those you should have:
Cleaning Area
Cleaning area means the whole space you are going to clean in your residence.
You may separate each area of your house in your checklist such as –
- Bathroom
- Kitchen
- Bedroom
- Mudroom, etc.
Here I am showing the process cleaning each area serially:
The bathroom is as important to place like your bedroom.
If your #bathroom is not #clean, then there will be #fungus, #mildew and other harmful elements those will make you sick and make the environment unhealthy. Share on XSo,
You should give more effort to clean the bathroom area. Suppose you had a guest in your house, don’t forget to clean the bathrooms.
Maybe you are habiting to some dirty bathroom…
But others won’t.
That’s why you should never leave your bathroom dirty. In the bathroom, you need to keep in mind about several things separately to clean them such as –
- Window or mirror
- Tub
- Wall
- Toilet
- Towel
- Bathroom fan
etc which also an essential part of the bathroom.
Cleaning you should keep the things out, those don’t belong in the bathroom.
Let’s go to the point.
Window Cleaning
Usually nowadays:
People are using Windows, like a ventilation system. A bathroom window is smaller than regular windows.
We almost forget to keep that clean.
You can use a cleaning sprayer to keep the window dust and dirt free.
Related: Anti Air Pollution Mask
Mirror Cleaning Quick Tips of Cleaning House
The streak-free shining mirror will bring your attention to look upon it.
This thing is as used as other things in the bathroom.
Many of us have the habit of looking at our reflected image in the mirror wherever it is in the bathroom or other places.
That’s why –
We should keep the mirror clean.
A good glass cleaner can help in this case. You can use a no-scratch scouring pad while cleaning the mirror.
You can try:
Vinegar and water instead of glass cleaner if that doesn’t work.
Bathtub Cleaning
The bathtub has regularly used the item as we need to wash regularly.
Soap scum…
…Grime, etc. can be seen on the surface of the tub if it isn’t cleaned timely.
When you finish your bathing, try to rinse the tub with warm water
Use a soft sponge to wipe off the moisture from the tub.
Wall Cleaning
If you see any mold on the wall or ceiling in the bathroom, then use –
- Water
- Bleach or
- Cleaner via spraying them on the wall.
You may use a sponge
A cloth rag to scrub the wall.
Be sure about wearing rubber gloves while scrubbing the wall.
Then wash the wall carefully.
Shower Cleaning
The shower is another thing and vital part of a bathroom.
there is seen corrosion, soap scum on the body of the shower.
It happens when you don’t clean it regularly.
Spray cleaner is the most effective solution to this problem. Soak the shower head to eradicate the clogs.
Sink Cleaning
You need to scrub the soap scum and toothpaste on the sink and later rinse them with a sponge.
try to clean the trash bin, tissue holder and brush case make the cleaning full.
Use a different rag or sponge to clean the counter area of the bathroom sink.
You should also –
Wash the towel regularly that you use after every shower.
Fold them and hang on the holder or hanger in an arranged way.

Kitchen cleaning is another important task while cleaning the whole house.
Most waste materials are thrown and appear from the kitchen:
- Dishes
- Oven
- Sink
- Cabinet
- Burner
- Fridge, etc.
Things need to be cleaned daily, or the kitchen room will be unpleasant.
Let’s see –
How can we cover this area:
Oven Cleaning

Do you like to eat roasted chicken?
Do you have bread toast in the early morning every day?
Then you surely do have a toaster oven in your kitchen.
To clean the oven first –
You should bust the crumbs.
Remember to unplug the machine before you do so.
Later remove the rack and pan and clean them with a sprayer.
Use a non-abrasive sponge to scrub them. Then you should go for wiping the oven grease. Wipe that with sponge scrubber and use a cleaner sprayer on it.
Try to clean the exterior such as glass door. Lastly, give a minimum of 05 minutes to dry the oven.
You will get your oven clean and ready to use again.
Kitchen Sink Cleaning
Soap scum, food stains, rust, water spots, etc. are found in an uncleaned kitchen sink.
You need to take care of these things while cleaning the sink in your kitchen.
Scrub the sink at least once a month.
Mix up warm water with dishwashing liquid
Scrub the sink with a sponge dipping into the mixture.
You can line the sink with paper towels and soak them with bleach to bring back the color of the sink like newer.
Then wait for half an hour to rinse the sink.
For this reason –
You may use vinegar, detergent powder or liquid, etc.
Remember that –
You should not use scouring powder to clean the kitchen sink.
Countertop Cleaning
Countertops in your kitchen are nothing but the places you use to stand on, unpacking the goods.
It’s the surface in the kitchen where you stand and do not only cooking but also other related works.
These places become dirty with food crumbs and wastage of foods.
Countertops can be of different types like –
- Butcher-block
- Solid wood
- Marble
- Granite
- Laminate
- Stainless Steel (SS), etc.
Try to seal the butcher-block & wood countertops with the wrapper for protection. You can use food-grade wax to protect them from any scratches.
Clean the marble & granite countertops with a sponge along with a mixture of warm water and cleaner.
You should clean the laminate countertops with a damp, soft cloth or microfiber towel and a mild household cleaner.
Do not use:
any harsh chemicals.
For other kinds of countertop, you can use a microfiber cloth with cleaner.
Plastic Containers Cleaning
Plastic containers are helping kit to store the food leftovers in the kitchen.
these things can get stinky, dirty.
You can clean the plastic containers in three steps:
Step #1:
These steps are banishing the stink, fighting the stains and cleaning totally.
Banish the stinks of these plastic containers with a mixture of baking soda and warm water.
Step #2:
Then soak them for 30 minutes and later rinse and dry.
For fighting stains
One tablespoon chlorine bleach with one cup of warm water solution will help you. Pour the solution or use a sponge to eradicate the stains.
Step #3:
Try to clean the containers at least once a week.
Try to keep them dry to make them odor free.
Kitchen Sponge Sanitization
If your kitchen isn’t enough to clean, then three kinds of pathogens will be found such as –
- Salmonella
- E. Coli, and
- Pseudomonas
You must try to sanitize the kitchen as well as a kitchen sponge.
Cleaning expert says using the bleach solution will kill the germs up to 99%.
Mix 3/4 cup of bleach in one gallon of water,
Soak the sponge for 5 minutes. And Put a sponge into a regular dishwasher load, using the “heated dry” setting.
Later you should use a strong vinegar solution to remove the bacteria.
Try to change the sponge after 3 weeks of usage.
Reduction of Kitchen Odors
White vinegar:
white vinegar can fight with alkaline odors and keep your kitchen away from bad smells.
The next –
Thing is to clean the garbage bin daily before or after you start cooking.
Use a wet paper towel to wipe debris from the kitchen. You should use disinfect cleaners to complete the cleaning process for zapping kitchen odors.
Clean the sink, fridge thoroughly to add this.

Mudroom or entry room or entryway:
Whatever you call this needs to be cleaned as it’s the first appearance of your guest.
Not only
For guests
But also
For the people living in the house, mudroom must remain shiny, cleaned and healthier.
Gleaning ideas of mudroom:
If your mudroom is chosen spaces to put –
- Jackets
- Shoes
- Gloves
- Purses
- Socks
- And other apparatus
- Then…
Take away the whole shebang that you can. Use water soaking the mats to soak the water and dirt if the shoes are sopping.
You can remove dry dirt easier than sticky mud.
You can sweep the floor with sweeper until you can’t see any footprints on it.
It will be plus if you separate the place of keeping clothes and other things at another right place.
An advanced guide to #clean #mudroom with lots of tips tricks #houseClean Share on XBedroom

The bedroom is an integral part of our daily life.
It’s the place where we must go after the whole tiresome day to have a sound sleep. A clean bedroom is such a gift to everyone.
If the room isn’t suitable enough, then you may face many diseases.
You start cleaning your bedroom, you must know how to organize it properly.
Here I am going to show you the way.
Cleaning Bedroom
Cleaning the bedroom isn’t so, stressful.
First –
You need to use a vacuum cleaner to clean the dust from the corner to the corner of the bedroom.
You can also mop the floor to bring a shine to the floor.
Sometimes –
A locked bedroom, while you are outside a room creates an odor.
In this case:
You can spray a nice scent in various flavors according to your choice in the room so that you can feel ease in the room.
Making the Bed
While you were a kid, your mom might have asked you to prepare the bed before you lie down.
Making a bed isn’t as tougher as you think.
Firstly –
You need to clean your bed.
Take off anything like pillows, bed sheet, down comforter, etc.
Cleans them outside of the room.
Later –
Fit the bed sheet from corner to corner and keep the pillows nicely. It’s better to use washed bed sheets and pillow cover which are washed at least twice a month.
The blanket is another useful thing which you may use must be washed or cleaned.
While putting the bedsheet –
You may use the “hospital corner” bed preparation tips.
It’s a method of folding the top sheet corners under the mattress.
It is a good habit if you make your bed every day morning and before you go to sleep at night.
Organizing the Wardrobe

An organized closet or wardrobe is the symbol of a clean bedroom.
If you have a sorted wardrobe,
You may have a beautiful mind as a clean room is a sign of beauty in mind.
You need to sort clothes. Remove all the clothes from the wardrobe and take off the hangers.
Then fold the clothes as a pile. Now sort them out as more used and less used clothes.
Keep the most important or more used clothes in the upper drawers of the wardrobe and less used items in the lower drawers.
Throw or donate whatever you like to do with the rest of the clothes if you don’t use them.
You can sort out the clothes those you want to keep in an arrange the order like keeping the T-shirts and shirts in separate drawers, pants in another drawer, etc.
You can add a mirror to sparkle, paint your wardrobe to cheer your mind, etc.
General Living Area
In the general living areas…
…you also need extra attention to keep clean.
To clean a living room,
A big preparation to clean is needed.
You can start mild music while you are going to clean such a big area.
Clear the clutter on the floor.
Then keep the things in different place those don’t belong to the general living area.
clean the dust and debris from the floor with a vacuum cleaner.
Dust the furniture corners and try to polish the wood furniture.
If your floor is made of wood and somehow the wood is damaged, there’s also a solution for it. Mop the floor with a towel and holding that with an iron stick. It may help to reduce the stains.
Not only
The floor
But also
The wooden table can stain free with this method.
Fresh walnuts or Brazil nuts contain natural oils that can darken the woods to make the scratches on wood invisible.
You can use perfume having alcohol or Hairspray to dissolve the wood finishes.
Then dump a cloth piece in water and mix with bit ammonia and wipe the wooden furniture or floor.
It will remove the sticky part. Thus, you can have wooden furniture like the newer one.
Everyone wants to have a fresh couch. If your couch is dirty somehow, there are also ways to make it clean.
Challenges while cleaning the couch are mainly cleaning pet hair, dusty cushions,
Stained fabric.
Rubber gloves can remove the pet hair from the couch
Whether it is a sofa or chair for its elasticity.
A lint roller can just make your time wasted. Run your vacuum cleaner thoroughly on the cushion, chair, etc. to clean the dirt and debris.
If the fabric is waterproof, then you can use mild dishwashing liquid to clean it. Solvent-based remover can clean the spots of the downside of the furniture.
Use a long-handled duster to clean out the dirt from hanging fixtures in the living room.
For the low-hanging fixture…
…prepare yourself with a cleaning microfiber clothing in one hand and a Premoistened glass-cleaning wipe in the other hand.
Use the clean paintbrush on table lamps or similar things to fix a shady situation.
Fan, Air Cooler, Air-Conditioner Cleaning
HOT and summer season –
- Fan
- Air cooler or
- Air-conditioner
..is the most useful components during the summer season.
To have a cool breeze in hot weather, there is nothing better alternate way than these.
These things got dirty and clogged as we can’t get expected service from these.
We must clean these things too. Grungy ceiling-fan blades, clogged air conditioner filters, and vents, etc. are the main obstacles while cleaning them.
Let’s get to the point…
For the ceiling fan cleaning –
You should put a tablecloth or cardboard sheet under it.
You can use long-handled broom or duster to clean the dust.
You can also use step stool and dust with a dry microfiber to clean the fan thoroughly.
Later clean the fan blades with a wet cloth to finish it.
For the portable fans –
Cleaning task is a bit easier.
Take a screwdriver and unscrew the fan.
Then use foamy warm water with a cloth piece and wipe the fan blades. Clean the grille cage of the fan in the same way.
Wipe down the base and buttons with a damp cloth.
Remove the washable filter of window units of the air-conditioner and rinse under a warm faucet until the water runs through clear.
Wait for a few hours to dry it and then re-install it.
You can use an odor-free sprayer to remove the bad smell of grunge.
You can get cleaned air-conditioner and reduce your electricity bill.
Roof Cleaning
Roof cleaning and maintenance is similarly important in other parts of house cleaning.
There are two types of roof cleaning: pressure washing and chemical washing.
The pressure roof washing method works for metal or tiled roof and chemical roof washing work with any roof.
Pressure washing & Roof cleaning:
Start at the peak of the roof and work your way down, to avoid blasting water up between overlapping tiles or sheets of roofing materials.
Start with
A small area first and gradually lower the wand to remove the mold.
Chlorine is the best chemical choice for chemical washing. You can also apply weak sodium hydroxide.
Rinse the roof with this solution, but remember to have safety protection while using the chemicals.
Home Office Cleaning
Home office means where you do your office work not for too long time but regular.
- A table,
- A chair,
- A laptop on the table,
- A wastebasket under the table,
- Etc. are common things in a home office.
These things get dirty, stained and germy.
You need to clean the dust on the electric things like laptop, desktop computer, cell phone, etc.
Use a microfiber cloth or electronic wipe clean the dust.
A glass cleaner may affect your computer monitor screen like reducing the glare and making it sticky.
Try to erase the surface stains from your home office. If your working surface space is made of laminate or any washable material, then you can use floor cleaner easily.
Wipe and rinse the floor with the cleaner.
Apply vinegar and water solution if the floor is made of sealed wood.
Wait for a few seconds to soak the cleaner for sticky stains.
Try to scrape with a thin credit card or your fingernail; wipe and rinse.
Remove –
Ink stains will with a cotton ball dipped in rubbing alcohol and then rinse with the sponge.
Give your phone and desktop accessories a sponge-down cleaning.
Use a paintbrush to clean the dust from the keyboard.
Damp a tissue ball in alcohol and clean the surface of the keyboard.
A guide to #clean #home #office. #homeclean #officeclean Share on XClothes Cleaning
Clothes cleaning is also a vital part of house cleaning.
Sometimes –
Cleaning clothes consumes a lot of time.
Especially –
The kids always keep themselves busy in making fun and clothes dirty.
I am going to tell you how to clean your clothes easily.
Banishing the stains of kids’ clothes:
To remove the stains of grass while your kid gets in playing, you can use a prewash stain remover or stain-fighting detergent with enzymes.
After applying them,
Wait for a few minutes and wash them in warm water.
For chocolate and ice-cream stains,
You may use bleach if the stains are stubborn. Stains caused by juice or any liquid, firstly remove the colorful stains with cool water. Then make a solution of white vinegar, liquid detergent, and cool water.
Let the clothing,
Soak the solution for 15 minutes. Then the stains will be gone.
If your clothing has stains of acrylic paint, then warm water and dishwashing liquid solution will be perfect.
Crayon stains on the fabric also can be removed easily.
For soft crayon stains, try to freeze it and scrap properly.
You can place the stain between two paper towels, and press with warm iron.
Use a stain remover to remove the crayon stains of clothing. To remove heavy-duty adhesive glue spots on the clothing, use nail polish remover with acetone.
Spots of mud on the clothes are also easier to clean out.
You can rub them or use a stain remover or wash with detergent powder in warm water.
If the stains are created from markers, ketchup, and other things, you can also remove with sponge dampen in rubbing alcohol.
Banishing the stains of the clothing is simple.
Veranda, porch, lobby, balcony cleaning:
Cleaning the –
- Veranda,
- Porch,
- Lobby or
- Balcony is the same.
You just need to care about few things.
All these have the same kind of structure and gets dirty in almost the same way.
Here I am going to let you know about cleaning one of them.
Cleaning The Balcony

The balcony is the place which you use to relax your body & mind.
We spend a lot of time there.
The thing is this place can be full of dirt and vermin.
That’s why –
You should know how to clean your balcony as well as veranda, porch, and lobby.
As all these places are open to the surroundings, sometimes these become places for the birds.
Dust can easily enter into these places.
While you are planning to clean the lobby or balcony, remove the furniture, and plants from these places. Clean any waste papers, leaves, etc. with a brush. Then skirmish the places and drop the debris in the waste basket.
Before this –
You may likely to #clean the #veranda or #balcony wall and exterior glass doors. Share on XSo,
Clean the glass door to door cleaner.
Dunk a soft scrub brush into the bucket and scrub the walls down.
Wipe the wall with a soft wet cloth and finish it properly.
Remove any stains on the balcony floor with a stain remover as I mentioned above in-floor cleaning method.
Deck, Lawn, Patio, Yard Cleaning
Pressure washer cleaning is the most used method for cleaning the –
- Deck
- Lawn,
- Patio, and
- Yard.
This pressure washer machine can reduce your task
Let you be stressed, less while cleaning such a big area.
Mostly –
It takes just 30 minutes to clean a wood deck.
Stats show that a wood deck requires less than 1500 PSI pressure washer machine to wash the wood surface though sometimes the wood gets damaged.
Here is the way to clean the –
- Deck
- Lawn,
- Patio, and
- Yard.
Before –
You start cleaning the deck with a pressure washer, you should wear –
- Safety goggles
- Sturdy footwear
- Long pants, etc.
You can proceed by removing breakable & non-breakable stuff from the deck.
Clean any debris and leaves found on the deck. Later apply a deck cleaner.
Fill the pressure washer soap dispenser with cleanser.
Then install the appropriate soap-dispensing nozzle onto the tip of the pressure washer wand.
power up the machine and distribute the cleaner all over the deck using long, overlapping strokes.
Start scrubbing with a brush and let the cleaner approach to the tight corners.
Start using the different widest nozzle of the pressure washer and start washing the deck in wide sweeping motions.
Keep the nozzle at least 6 inches distance from the surface. Complete the full deck cleaning in this way.
It’s better to use wood protective stain after cleaning the deck.

Finalize – Wrapping up Your Cleaning Area
After all, things clean,
You can finalize wrapping up all those areas.
Remember one thing –
Cleaning inside just can’t help you. Dirt comes from outside, and that’s why you shouldn’t forget to clean outside of your residence.
Try to clean washable things with a washing machine or your hand depending on clothing types.
Then take your time and dry those things.
Whole house cleaning, make a walk from one corner to another corner in case you might have missed any corner.
If you missed any side, clean it carefully.
One thing,
You should keep clean to get the food fresh and clean.
Time of Cleaning Your House
Daily 45 Minutes Plan
Have you ever thought of cleaning the whole house in just 45 minutes?
Probably not.
I’ll say this it is possible some other way if you follow the daily 45 minutes cleaning plan.
You can make everything clean by spending time regularly.
Let’s see what is in this plan.
This plan works in 3 different parts…
15 Minutes Living Room
Cleaning the living room will take around 15 minutes.
First –
Keep everything outside of the living room and garbage the waste materials those don’t belong to a living room or unfamiliar.
Then –
Take a microfiber cloth and start dusting and cleaning the floors of the living room.
Clean other furniture, cushions, pillows accordingly as I mentioned the way above.
Remove –
Any pet hair, food stains while you clean the room.
15 Minutes Bathroom
Bathroom cleaning requires another 15 minutes.
As this is as essential place as others in a house, you should keep it neat and clean.
Even –
If any guest comes to your house or stays there, they will surely use the bathroom.
If they find it dirty and unhealthy, respect to yours will be gone.
In a bathroom –
You should clean a few things just like a toilet, shower, sink, mirror shelf, etc.
Keep an air freshener in your bathroom so that everything seems fresh as usual. Scrub, brush, remove stains – etc. all I have added in this article before about bathroom cleaning.
Try to do properly based on your time.
15 Minutes Kitchen

And the rest 15 minutes of this above plan are for cleaning the kitchen.
Obviously –
A man in a house need to eat and the kitchen is the place where he or she can cook.
While cooking in the kitchen, the place gets dirtier.
If you can spend 15 minutes cleaning the kitchen daily, then you won’t have worry to clean it with the whole house when you don’t have the whole day.
Keep anything outside if those don’t belong in the kitchen.
Put the waste materials in a waste basket and take that out of the house.
Check every corner of the kitchen and brush the dust or any clutter.
Then mop the kitchen floor.
Look for the sink to clean it. Brush and scrub the body of the sink.
Look for the sink to #clean it. Brush and scrub the body of the sink. #HomeClean #HouseClean Share on XUse new towels in the kitchen for twice a month. Make the kitchen a perfect place to work there.
Top Secrets Clean Your House
You don’t need a whole day to keep important task out and clean the house.
Here –
I am marking secrets to clean your house in the shortest possible time than you may think.
Monthly Cleaning Plan
This is another kind of plan to clean your house within just 20 minutes a day.
28 days in every month.
This is not an absurd plan.
You will surely get the benefit if you follow this.
Basically –
This plan is for reducing the pressure and stress of the cleaning the house at once in a month or maybe twice.
It’s kind of a habit.
I am going to show the details of this cleaning plan.
Let’s Check out the 30-Days Schedule in Shortly Below of Cleaning House
- Floor or surface cleaning of your living room and kitchen.
- Cleaning the bathrooms properly.
- Bedroom surface cleaning.
- Basement, home office, and other rooms cleaning.
- Again, cleaning your living room’s surface.
- Cleaning the bathrooms.
- Windows cleaning.
- Sweep and vacuum all floors in the house (don’t forget stairs).
- Bedroom floors, cleaning.
- Deep clean living room & cleaning each thing of living room.
- Clean bathrooms again.
- Washing the clothes.
- Floor cleaning of the basement and extra rooms.
- Deep clean bedroom such as dusting, mopping, etc.
- Living room and kitchen floor cleaning.
- Extensive cleaning of bathrooms.
- Cleaning the tools those having regular touch of hands such as a door knob.
- Refrigerator cleaning.
- Clean the doorway, sweep the porch, clean out the car.
- Floor cleaning of living room and kitchen.
- Bathroom surface cleaning.
- Bedroom floors, cleaning.
- Cleaning all the floors of the house with sweeping and mopping.
- Clean linen closet, straighten towels, sheets or regular closet if not applicable.
- Surface clean living room and kitchen.
- Extra care, cleaning the kitchen and utensils.
- Bathroom floor cleaning.
- Cleaning and ready the bedrooms.
- Cleaning the other things such as an oven.
- Sweep and vacuum all floors in the house.
Bonus: Your House Cleaning Tips
I am going to give you some bonus tips those will let you have the cleaning job easier. Here are a few of them:
Rodents/Rats and Getting Rid of Them

Rodents life habit and biology can be a great term related to your house cleaning.
These animals live in your house and may be dangerous to your properties.
Rats are the main culprit in the rodent species.
Rats are of different kinds like –
- Cotton rats,
- Deer mice,
- House mice,
- Norway rats,
- Roof rats,
- Brown rats,
- Black rats, etc.
Here I am going to show you how they are harmful and the prevention of their attacks in your house.
Damaged By Rodents or Rats
Rats are quite clever and fast. These can easily adapt new ways to retreat from any new traps and baits.
They can live in the –
- Colony in attics
- Burrows
- Under concrete and porches
- In-wall voids and
- Other hard-to-reach places.
Rats and mice both have improved senses of touch, sound, and smell.
They can easily find food items and hear a sound which helps them to cooperate to their habitation.
Rats can bring many diseases to you.
The brown and black rat carries lots of parasites and flu those will seriously hamper human health.
Mice invade to human houses for their needed food items. These contaminates foods of human and leave the sufferings for them.
Rats and mice both can infect people with their
- Urine
- Saliva, and
- Feces
The sharp teeth of these help to cut any food and even your clothing. If they bite your baby’s feeder nipple, then the baby will surely have stomach problems.
Not only
A baby
But also
An adult can face diseases if they eat stale food bitten by the rodents.
Rats damage the wire cables, plastic furniture and fiber clothes and bags.
History says –
There was a plague spread by black rats in Europe in the 16th century.
That mass death is named as The Black Death.
You can see that rats and mice or other rodents are harmful to your health and obviously your household items.
Prevention Rats
I tell you the ways to get rid of the rats…
I am going to show you how to prevent rodents from household areas.
Mostly –
Rodents can give birth rapidly.
The first step is to get prevention of these. Fill the gaps available around pipelines and under the sheds. Keep your garden and yard neat and clean.
Cut any unnecessary bushes and clear any leaf piles or something like that.
Drain system of your house should be well prepared.
Keep your foods in a safe place like in the jars, metal or glass containers where those mice and rats can’t enter.
Do not throw food crumbs anywhere or make the place dirty.
Keep your kitchen clean as soon as you use it.
Keep your #kitchen #clean as soon as you use it. #KitchenClean #homeclean Share on XGetting Rid of Rats
You may use a variety of repellents like mothballs or other necessary oils.
You may mix up rat killer poison or tablets in some food and keep them as bait. W
hen the rodents eat this food, the number of them will surely reduce.
You may call a professional pest control company or personnel to give you advice and take the necessary steps to keep your house rodent-free.
Also –
You can set up traps in the garden or any place where they might live or move.
Be sure –
That the children don’t reach closer to these rats killing poisons.
You may disinfect your home and kill the germs created by these rodents in few easier ways.
Rubbing alcohol, cotton balls, washer, dryer, bleach, dishwasher, etc. are necessary equipment of disinfection of your home.
Useful and Essential Tools for Cleaning Your House
Useful and Essential #Tools for #Cleaning Your #House. #CleaningTools #HouseClean Share on XHouse cleaning is not so tough if you have cleaning tools in your home.
These tools can be used for different purposes.
You can find them in the nearest variety stores or online shops. Here is a short list of useful cleaning tools:
- Microfiber towels.
- Microfiber Mop.
- Nylon-bristle broom.
- Shammy.
- Backpack vacuum.
- Air-freshener.
- All-purpose counter cleaner.
- Carpet Cleaner.
- Hardwood floor cleaner.
- Window cleaner.
- Glass cleaner.
- Just-spray shower mists.
- Cleaning soaps or chemicals.
Remember one thing –
You should keep these tools out of the children’s reach so that they can’t harm themselves.
Cleaning Mistakes
To err is human.
It shows –
That there will be or may be mistaken valid while cleaning house by yourself.
Practice can help you to stay away, making these mistakes.
Here are some #common #mistakes when we #clean our #house in general. #commonmistakes #houseclean Share on XHere are some common mistakes when we clean our house in general.
Taking necessary steps and consciousness can help you not to commit these above mistakes.
Quick – House Cleaning Tips
Here is a list of quick tips on cleaning your house which can help you clean in shorter timely and effective way:
- Sanitizing the sponges, you use.
- Kitchen cabinet gunk remover.
- Clean small toys in a laundry bag.
- Cookie sheet miracle cleaner.
- Clean fan blades with a pillowcase.
- Clean between Oven Glass.
- Removing labels in a flash.
- Use salt to clean your iron.
- Squeegee hair picker upper.
- Rubber gloves to remove pet hair.
- Shopvac cleaning tip.
- Cleaning your pillows.
- Garbage disposal cleaning trick.
- Removing hard water.
- Cleaning your air conditioner.
- Homemade grout cleaner.
- Use a dehumidifier to reduce condensation and mildew
- Clean your burners.
- Fix scratches on wood.
- Cleaning oil stains on your driveway.
- Removing white marks on furniture.
- Cleaning a microfiber couch.
- Nonstick grill means less mess.
- Reconditioning cast iron.
- Cleaning cloudy glassware.
- Removing hard water stains.
- Knives & lemon juice.
- Cleaning makeup brushes.
- Shower cleaning wand.
- No-streak window cleaning.
- Cleaning a showerhead.
- Cleaning a bathroom exhaust.
- Cleaning your toothbrush.
- Cleaning a bathtub drain.
- Natural cleaning an oven.
- Cleaning your blinds.
- Removing scratches on ceramic.
- Permanent marker removal.
- De-pill your clothes.
- Iron out carpet stains.
- Cleaning air vents.
- Cleaning a vacuum filter.
- Getting mold out of the shower.
- Cleaning your blender.
- Nail polish & tile.
- Magical carpet cleaner.
- Clean your mattress.
- Tub cleaner.
- Do dishwasher duty.
- Disinfect the disposal.
- Zap the sponge.
- Make bathroom doors shine.
- Get a cleaner liner.
- Tame the toilet.
- Use bedtime as clean time.
- Get swept away.
- Super cleaning tool storage.
- Start with a bed.
- Address your drawers.
- Keep just the essentials.
- Know the hot spots.
- Go corner to corner.
- Stop clutter at the front door.
- Use ice cubes to deodorize a garbage disposal.
- Use aluminum foil to scrub off baked-on food.
- Use baking soda to clean silver.
- Use a pillowcase for dust-free cleaning.
- Use rice to clean a coffee grinder.
- Use a lemon to freshen a cutting board.
- Use baking soda to unclog a drain.
At last –
You reached the endpoint of the house cleaning guide.
Hopefully –
You got enough and huge information to make your house zero dust!
Whether you are cleaning your house daily, weekly or monthly, you got everything you need in this brief article.
To follow everything I have mentioned in this guide.
Take the necessary steps and go ahead of cleaning your house.
You have got suggestions and cautions reading through the article.
Don’t just waste your time with random information about cleaning your house.
Follow the steps I have shown you.
Hope you will have a healthy environment in every corner of your house.
Wish you all the best!!!
House Cleaning Tips #Tricks #Guides #Advice #HouseCleaning #HouseClean Share on X- Brand New in box; The product ships with all relevant accessories
- Brand new and boxed Product ships with all relevant accessories
- Spray wand with nozzle quick connect coupler
Now, It’s Over To You!
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Real quick house cleaning hacks. Thanks for sharing these tips.
You are most welcome.
Thank you for sharing this! This can be our motivation for everyday.
You are most welcome. Keep your home clean everyday.
I really enjoyed reading these tips. Thank you very much!
You are mostly welcome.
These are really great tips and very helpful also. As it is very important to keep our house clean and make it free from any dust particles and garbage.
Thanks for your feedback. Yes, it is essential to keep clean our house. A clean house is the secret key of a healthy family.
Thanks so much for sharing such a helpful article! Enjoyed reading this!
Welcome Waston,
Your feedback inspired us very much to publish new articles.
really helpful and deeply write content
Thanks Aakash,
It is our pleasure to help you :).
What a great read. This could be a big help especially for future purposes.
Thanks Adam,
Its our pleasured to help you which also help you in future purpose.
Very Nice And Helpful Article
Thanks for your feedback. Those inspiration words help us to work hard.
Thanks for sharing the post. It will help me a lot. I create my daily, weekly and monthly checklist.
You are welcome. We are happy to help you.
Thanks for sharing the post and giving your precious time. Any tips for bacteria on bed or pillow?
Welcome! Put the cover on your pillow from day one, and only remove it for laundering. Wash all bedding in hot water to kill dust mites and bacteria.
Cleaning your living place is a necessary thing that people do. As it improves our living standard and helps to achieve a positive attitude to our surrounding and stuff. It improves the performance of your mind and body and also keeps us healthy.
Thanks for your valuable feedback.
These are some useful tips about cleaning the house for busy housekeeper like me. I think your tips would be helpful to save time. I am going to add these to my daily cleaning list. Hope so it will work for me.
Thanks Harmon,
It is a pleasure to help you and hopes this will perfectly work for you.
I always struggle with making cleaning a habit. I’d always start of motivated, get into a good habit of cleaning, then start getting lazy again and the cycle just repeats again and again.. Do you have any tips on how I could make the habit stick?
Start Simple – Don’t try to completely change your life in one day. Try to do and change your hadite slowly the day after day. Maybe this will help you to make a good habit for cleaning your home.
Making a checklist for house cleaning is very important. It can help in recognizing the things which actually needs to be clean. It can be seen especially during moving in and out of the house. People skips things so it is better to make a list so that nothing gets missed. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Richard,
It is a pleasure to help you and hopes this will perfectly work for you.
Thanks for sharing such relevant information about house clean.
Most welcome Bruke. 🙂
Hope you enjoy the content and get your proper information from this content.
Much appreciation for your work! Thanks for the share
You are most welcome.
As we know that dirty house is a birthplace for the diseases as to get rid from it you need to take the couple of minutes to look out what are the places in your house which required immense cleaning and clean.
Thanks for your feedback, Mike.
These are really great tips and very helpful also. Quick house cleaning hacks. Thanks for sharing this.
Steal these tips and tricks and you’ll be well on your way to a clean home in no time 👍👍
I really enjoyed reading these tips. Thank you very much!